Narayan Surgical
Narayan Surgical

Narayan Surgical

We are manufacturer of one of the most efficient virtual Endo trainer. The Endo Trainer has been conceptualized, designed & developed to offer high resolution picture which is equally accurate as a laparoscopic camera. The Endo trainer has an inbuilt camera which is attached with a joystick with which the camera can be rotated in 360 degree rotation & can be moved up and down so that you can set camera in any required position to get the perfect view os specimen. It also has inbulid LED light which gives maximum lights so that the picture seen on monitor is clear. The Endo trainer is provided with a plastic plate which holds the specimen ie. (Silicon suture pad)firmly so that the specimen doesn’t move aside. Two Trocar pipes are provided to introduce hand instruments. The Endo TRainer is light weight & unbreakable

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