Orion Medical Technologies
Our company is remarkably growing in hospital equipment manufacturers field with the support of an experienced team of engineers and technocrats.
We have decades of experience in Rf (Radio-Frequency) applications and expertise in high performance microprocessor based electrosurgical units & vessel sealing systems.
We believe in continuous improvisation of our product line and thus, our team makes dedicated efforts in development of new products as well as up-gradations in the existing product line.
Our prime motto is to achieve high degree of clinical precision in medical engineering designs keeping the safety of patient on top priority.
The performance with convenience, simplicity and after sales service par excellence has established Orion brand one of the leading and well accepted brand among medical fraternity.
Product categories
- Cardiology
- ColoRectal
- Critical Care
- Dental Instruments
- Dermatology
- Diagnostics
- Gastroenterology
- General Consumable and Disposables
- Gynecology & Obstetrics
- Hospital Essentials
- Laser
- Medical Imaging
- Minimal Invasive Surgery
- Modular OT Project
- Neurology
- Orthopedic
- Ankle Binder
- Ankle Brace
- Anklet
- Arm Immobolizer
- Arm Pouch
- Back Belt
- Back Rest
- Cervical Collar
- Cervical Pillow
- Cock Up Splint
- Commode Chair
- Cot
- Crutches
- Cutter
- Foot Drop Splint
- Knee Brace
- Leg Splint
- Ortho Drill
- Orthopedic Implants
- Orthopedic Instrument
- Plaster Cutter
- Rib Belt
- Screw
- Splint
- Taylor Brace
- Walker
- Walking Stick
- OT Equipment
- Pediatrics & Neonatology
- Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation
- Refurbished Products
- Respiratory
- Simulators & Models
- Anatomy Models
- Medical Simulations
- Advanced Life Support - ALS
- Advanced Trauma Life Support - ATLS
- Airway Management
- Auscultation
- Basic Life Support - BLS
- Birthing Simulator
- Emergency Rescue
- Laparoscopy
- Realistic
- Simulated Patient Monitor
- Surgery
- TCCC Training Manikins
- Transesophageal Echocardiography - Tee
- Virtual Reality Simulators
- Wound Simulation
- Task Trainer
- Top Offers
- Urology
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