Precious Life
Established in the year 2007, we “Precious Life Medical Technologies Private Limited” is a leading Manufacturer of a wide range of Diathermy Machine, Vessel Sealing System, Electrosurgical Unit, etc.
These products can be availed in various sizes, designs, and colors. On the whole, we are making every effort to remain successful in our endeavor. On the basis of our strict quality principles, we have been able to serve our customers sincerely. Our company is remarkably growing in the medical field with the support of an experienced team of engineers and technocrats. All our crew members are working in close coordination with each other to accomplish all our orders timely. We also keep ourselves abreast with industry standards in order to meet the requirements of our clients. We are supported by a team of trained workforce that is hired from some of the best talents present in the market. Under the skilled and able leadership and governance of our mentor Mr. Sudarshan Nagaonkar, we have seen and experienced unimaginable heights of success. Owing to his valuable insights, leadership skills, sharp business acumen, and profound industrial experience, he is able to manage work operations in an efficient way.
Product categories
- Cardiology
- ColoRectal
- Critical Care
- Dental Instruments
- Dermatology
- Diagnostics
- Gastroenterology
- General Consumable and Disposables
- Gynecology & Obstetrics
- Hospital Essentials
- Laser
- Medical Imaging
- Minimal Invasive Surgery
- Modular OT Project
- Neurology
- Orthopedic
- Ankle Binder
- Ankle Brace
- Anklet
- Arm Immobolizer
- Arm Pouch
- Back Belt
- Back Rest
- Cervical Collar
- Cervical Pillow
- Cock Up Splint
- Commode Chair
- Cot
- Crutches
- Cutter
- Foot Drop Splint
- Knee Brace
- Leg Splint
- Ortho Drill
- Orthopedic Implants
- Orthopedic Instrument
- Plaster Cutter
- Rib Belt
- Screw
- Splint
- Taylor Brace
- Walker
- Walking Stick
- OT Equipment
- Pediatrics & Neonatology
- Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation
- Refurbished Products
- Respiratory
- Simulators & Models
- Anatomy Models
- Medical Simulations
- Advanced Life Support - ALS
- Advanced Trauma Life Support - ATLS
- Airway Management
- Auscultation
- Basic Life Support - BLS
- Birthing Simulator
- Emergency Rescue
- Laparoscopy
- Realistic
- Simulated Patient Monitor
- Surgery
- TCCC Training Manikins
- Transesophageal Echocardiography - Tee
- Virtual Reality Simulators
- Wound Simulation
- Task Trainer
- Top Offers
- Urology
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