Ventox Healthcare
Ventox Healthcare

Ventox Healthcare

 Ventox Healthcare LLP caters to home care & hospital medical equipment by a team of highly experienced group of individuals. Our storage facility is located at Kamothe, Navi Mumbai, with in house R&D and Quality Control. We specialize in sleep therapy and lifesaving equipment like CPAPs, Bipap, Oxygen Concentrators, and Nebulizers, Critical monitoring equipment like ECG machines, Pulse Oximetry and Multi-parameter monitors. We also deal with Infusion pumps, Suction pumps, Syringe pumps & other such equipments on demand basis.


We, at Ventox Healthcare LLP extensively strive for all round excellence in thought, deed and action with regard to quality. We lay emphasis on research and development, collaboration and Partnerships. Respect to Human resources, innovations, new ideas and conducting our business by adopting the highest ethical practices.

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